An EDI Translation Service Platform for the Furniture Industry.
Large manufacturers have their own retail outlets, while small players sell through retail chains. With many retailers and manufacturers on the scene, and everybody aiming for the lion’s share, there’s stiff competition among the players.

Manufacturers and retailers, in the furniture industry, have automated their processes relating to order management, speeding up and streamlining the delivery process. Retailers are using popular Retail Management Systems to track and manage purchase orders, invoices, and ASNs. Manufacturers are using ERP software packages to receive purchase orders, generate ASNs and invoices.
Moreover, different parties use different communication protocols for exchanging documents, some use AS2, others use http, and some use FTP. This mix of prevalent protocols and formats can make the setup of an exchange cumbersome, as few software packages do not allow that kind of customization.
Others provide a way, but that requires some technical expertise. So, you either must hire a technical resource, or pay for such services to the software vendor. Also, customization with one trading partner may not work with another. This is not a very desirable situation. If you are trying to trade with a big trading partner, they are not going to change the software, so you have to adjust.
Most of the players exchange documents with trading partners electronically using Electronic Data Exchange (EDI). X12 is widely used in the US, on the other hand, EDIFACT is more prevalent in Europe. After the advent of XML, some have adopted XML-based message formats as well, abandoning the traditional EDI-style messages.

The Solution
The solution is a web-based platform that periodically downloads the documents via FTP, classifies them, and loads them into the system. The application provided a mechanism to associate documents with products and extract relevant portions of information from the document and store them separately so that the research staff can use them later for updating/adding product information.
The application generates email notifications to users in case of new documents and filings. It also provides an easy-to-use intuitive web interface and an advanced document search within the library. The application also enables a user to upload documents manually through a web interface.
To address the need of automating the process, Emorphis built a document management system that helps annuity researchers save time.

- Trading partners that subscribe to the platform do not have to worry about message format/protocol differences.
- The platform provides support for common exchange protocols like FTP, http, and AS2. Additionally, it also provides its own communication protocol built over http. Customers can deploy a web-based client application provided by our client to communicate over this protocol.
- The platform provides users with a web-based interface to keep track of the documents they are exchanging.
- The platform also offers a web-based console for suppliers who do not have EDI capabilities at their end but would still like to receive documents. The console provides the facility to view incoming documents and create acknowledgments, ASNs, and invoices through an easy-to-use interface.
- Email notifications are sent to the customers to inform them of important events in the application.
- Sophisticated messaging techniques are used for interaction between different server-side components.
- The platform enables the secure exchange of data. It supports multiple encryption algorithms and SSL to ensure data protection and integrity while exchanging documents.
- The application provides high availability and failover capabilities to ensure business continuity for clients in the event of a server failure.
- The server-side architecture is multi-tenant, where one instance of the application can exchange documents for multiple customers. Necessary data isolation strategies have been put in place to prevent the data of one customer from becoming visible to another.
- Servlets
- PostgreSQL (open-source RDBMS)
- HSQLDB (open-source RDBMS)

About Emorphis
Emorphis Technologies is a world-class software development and solutions company that truly believes in “Innovation in motion”. Delivery innovation on the go at an accelerated pace has been our success mantra to date. Over the years we have provided value to our clients in the field of enterprise mobility, cloud, IoT, backend development, Big Data Analytics, and BlockChain.
We serve industries ranging from unicorns, and startups to large multinationals in the healthcare, telecommunications, fintech, retail, and publishing industry. Our go-to-market software products – iStatement, iPublisher, and iBuggy have proved our metal with positive beneficial customer testimonials. We help our clients with successful product development, consulting services, and testing (manual & automated).
We have profound experience & expertise in various technologies like .Net, J2EE, PHP, iOS, Android, and Cloud Computing viz. Amazon Web services (AWS), Software QA & testing (Manual & Automation). Our designed products are cloud-ready and can be readily deployed on AWS/Azure cloud infrastructure.
Our pivot on engineering innovation and R&D helps quicken time-to-market, ensuring high quality at economies of scale, delivering cult competency for the global marketplace. We ensure that your ideas, concepts, and requirements are backed by brilliant execution at our end. Having said that we extend end-to-end ownership of product/application design, development, and deployment.