It’s really important to understand the potential of Salesforce for the business growth. There are few parts of this project, The major was to increase the adaptability of Salesforce with the different parts and process of business. Another part was to make sure that information flow between all the employees and the client is flawless and effective.

- Global consulting and software engineering specialist for the financial industry.
- Clients specialize in design, engineering, operate and optimize critical technology and business solutions for organizations working in the complex world of finance.
- More than 500+ employees support financial institutes around the globe.
- Salesforce was used as normal database to manage client information
- With zero automation and enhancement, Salesforce has not been used to full capacity.
- Only the Sale team is the key stakeholder of Salesforce, but the client also wants other departments to be part of Salesforce.
- Reporting was also a major challenge, due to inconsistency of data entry by Sales team Management was not able to get reports to depend / trust upon.
- Salesforce was designed to provide better support to all the departments like HR, Sales, Operations, Accounting and Management
- Contract Generation, Payroll management, leave management, performance review and other HR related applications were built to support the HR team.
- Project Management application was built to support company employees and sales team who are working on live projects.Appexchange products like conga, and ecosign, were installed to allow multiple teams to generate documents and electronic signature functionality from salesforce.
- Functionality was build to gather feedbacks for client using apex public pages
- Using Salesforce tools like Apex, and Visualforce invoice generation functionality was built.
- Build an CMS system in salesforce to build websites using apex and visual force.
- Salesforce employee communities / Portals were built for their employees daily activities like enter their time on projects, fill performance review forms, apply for reimburses, apply for leaves etc.

- By becoming part of Salesforce all departments got benefits of Salesforce.
- HR team was able to get updated information for all the employees because of the employee community / portal
- Accounting team was able to generate Invoices due to easy access to employee timesheets and project details on one single platform
- Sales and Management teams were able to generate proper reporting due to accuracy of data.
- Integration with the website became easy due to the CMS system built in Salesforce.
- Better monitoring of the project was possible using multiple custom objects and custom development.
About Emorphis
Emorphis Technologies is a world class software development and solutions company which truly believes in “Innovation in motion”. Delivery innovation on the go at accelerated pace has been our success mantra till date. Over the years we have provided value to our clients in the field of enterprise mobility, cloud, IoT, backend development, Big Data Analytics, and Block Chain.
We serve industries ranging from unicorns, and startups to large multinationals in the healthcare, telecommunications, fintech, retail and publishing industry. Our go to market software products – iStatement, iPublisher and iBuggy have proved our metal with positive beneficial customer testimonials. We help our client in successful product development, consulting services and testing (manual & automated).
We have profound experience & expertise on various technologies like .Net, J2EE, PHP, iOS, Android and Cloud Computing viz. Amazon Web services (AWS), Software QA & testing (Manual & Automation). Our designed products are cloud ready and can be readily deployed on AWS/Azure cloud infrastructure.
Our pivot on engineering innovation and R&D helps quicken time-to-market, ensuring high quality at economies of scale, delivering cult competency for the global marketplace. We ensure that your ideas, concepts and requirements are backed by brilliant execution at our end. Having said that we extend end-to-end ownership of product/application design, development and deployment.